salam blog..
semalam aku dapat pm dari adik aku,mase tue kat Qatar nie time lunch hour aku. Adik aku pm aku bitau Tok Su aku sedang nazak. Tok Su aku nie belah father aku. Dah panggil doktor datang umah for check up and doktor tue pun cakap harap semue redha dengan ketentuan-Nya. Doktor tue suh bacekan yassin dan ayat2 suci Al-Quran.
Bile aku bace message dari adik aku tue, aku dah gegel..because last few weeks aku cam rase tak sedap hati.. and always terbayang pasal mati, i mean cam sedara mara aku akan ade yang nak pergi. Dah la last two days baru je borak ngan mama pasal atok aku. He was admitted to the hospital before he passed away. Mama pun cakap last week Tok Su dah tak nak makan and minum sangat, takde selera katenye.
Pergi yang tiada akan kembalinya....tup tup dalam kul 3 p.m waktu Qatar, adik aku buzz aku, and said " atok busu dah meninggal"'s about 8 p.m in Malaysia.Innalillah hi wa innalilla hirrojiun. Tiada ape2 yang dapat aku ungkapkan.Aku terkejut. Hanya redha akan ketentuan-Nya saja. BTW(bytheway), aku tak pernah jumpe ayah kepade bapa aku sebab he passed away long time ago before I was born. So Tok Busu pada aku,kire wakil atok lelaki la belah bapa aku. Tok Busu is a friendly person, member2 aku kalo datang umah aku sume ingat Tok Busu aku, dialah orang yang selalu siram pokok-pokok bunga kat laman rumah.. yang pegi kebun blakang umah bersih2kan, jage pokok pokok pisang blakang umah, pegi surau and bandar naik beskal, even aku nak tumpangkan die takmo, pasni takde dah die, .. :(
Moga Tok Su ditempatkan diantara orang-orang yang beriman dan dicucuri rahmat oleh-Nya. Just before aku pergi kerja tadi, aku contact adek aku, she said everything settled, Alhamdulillah hari ni kat Muar cerah, sebab 2 hari lepas hujan lebat adik aku cakap, so pengkebumian berjalan lancar. Even mase arwah Tok Su pergi pun mudah je adik cakap, cammane la ngan kite nanti kan? Mane la tempat kite mati..moga Allah permudahkan untuk kite plak nanti..
Till here for now, aku nak continue closing account.Walaupun aku tak dapat balik ke Malaysia tuk ziarah arwah, aku nak ajak korang same2 sedekahkan Al-Fatihah untuk arwah Tok Su aku atau name penuh arwah Shaib bin Maidin. Al-Fatihah. kite same2 dapat pahala
leteran by,
p/s - aku baru perasan dah ade 2 follower,thanks guys, ade gak orang sudi bace blog hambar aku nie, nanti i follow2 korang lak k.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
haish!! aircond ofis aku nie..KANTORE betul la,time2 summer camni la gas ala2 nak habes..korang tau la, summer kat Tanah Arab ni melampau..panas terik!
panas2..dah la desk aku ni direct sunlight sebab ade tingkap. owh, lupe aku dah kene tukar ke room lain, kalo room office lame aku direct aircond, masyukkk..ini tak..berpeluh2 aku..
eee..tak selesa gile nak buat kerja..tau aku MC je tadi.gile kau,letak tangan menaip ni pun leh berpeluh2 tangan aku, ade aircond angin tak sampai..ahh..mamposs...aku nak keje kat umah jer la..boleh kan??
hadoi..camno ni..trus down mood kerja aku..
berpeluh2 wei..
p/s - hari2 camni aku dah tak tahan, camne nanti kat padang Mahsyar?
leteran by,
panas2..dah la desk aku ni direct sunlight sebab ade tingkap. owh, lupe aku dah kene tukar ke room lain, kalo room office lame aku direct aircond, masyukkk..ini tak..berpeluh2 aku..
eee..tak selesa gile nak buat kerja..tau aku MC je tadi.gile kau,letak tangan menaip ni pun leh berpeluh2 tangan aku, ade aircond angin tak sampai..ahh..mamposs...aku nak keje kat umah jer la..boleh kan??
hadoi..camno ni..trus down mood kerja aku..
berpeluh2 wei..
p/s - hari2 camni aku dah tak tahan, camne nanti kat padang Mahsyar?
leteran by,
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Your Best Friends Forever has predicted these people as best friends:
#1 Afiq Mahadi
#2 Kamaludin Hashim
#3 Mohd Fahmy Esa
#4 Tandikasuma Ahmad
#5 Izzuan Husin
haha,I was shocked, the outcome gets almost correct, 4 out 5 are true, haa,mule la otak aku ni fikir cammane die predict? pelik la die calculate probability ni, ke ade care die?
p/s : - why my Chenta Hati not included in the above?? ....sayang awak!
leteran by,
#1 Afiq Mahadi
#2 Kamaludin Hashim
#3 Mohd Fahmy Esa
#4 Tandikasuma Ahmad
#5 Izzuan Husin
haha,I was shocked, the outcome gets almost correct, 4 out 5 are true, haa,mule la otak aku ni fikir cammane die predict? pelik la die calculate probability ni, ke ade care die?
p/s : - why my Chenta Hati not included in the above?? ....sayang awak!
leteran by,
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
farewell + the pearl.
semalam pegi dinnner and sambut skali farewell untuk ofismate aku kat sini, we called him anip tapah. he's going back for good to Malaysia after almost one year kat Middle East nih..(almost one year je,aku nak dekat 3 years dah..aduh,dah naik muak..wekk!!!)..hujung bulan nie die balik.. dok sengih2 hari2, hati dah kat Malaysia kan?..member aku ni kire selamat la dari nak "kasi bersih" segala paperworks project kat is not easy to finalize all the paperworks once a project completed..kalo project kecik maybe la kot senang sket..
so,mule2 diorang hidangkan la appetizer dulu..Venice nie food die ala2 arabian food..paling terbaik die punye lamb chop ah, tak bau cam ko makan kambeng..n tasty also!
so member aku ni memang dah naik muak kan, asek-asek dok teriak nak balik, nak balik..biase la,orang darah manis, tak sabo2(pergh MUO seh!!)... nak smalam aku kuar ngan 5 orang lagi member kat sini. first stop kiteorang gi dinner kat Venice..mak aih jauhkan,gi dinner jer kot!..VENICE RESTAURANT lewr, bukan Venice, Italy tu..hhaahaha..
so kiteorang masuk,den order la ape2 patut, member aku ni order la 3kg lamb chop, huish..dengar cam... weh ble abes ker? lagipun member aku yang order ni pun memang peminat fanatik lamb, and die juga seorang pemurah ..sebab die yang blanje(moga murah rezeki bro!!)..kalo aku, mau aku nak order 3 kilo tu,baik aku masak sardin kat umah..aku tak mampu,mule2 diorang hidangkan la appetizer dulu..Venice nie food die ala2 arabian food..paling terbaik die punye lamb chop ah, tak bau cam ko makan kambeng..n tasty also!
ni la appetizer die, ade roti tempayan cicah2 ngan gravy2 cam peanut butter,sayur2 etc..
Pas dah lantak roti tempayan berbijan, then LAMB CHOP yang dinanti2 pun sampai..lagi la sume senyap kan bile food itu tiba..hahaha... lamb chop die, lembut n moist2 je sempat aku shoot,dah sedap dok lantak!
pas dah abes dinner, kiteorang pun borak2 agak2 dah setel semua termasuk la pembayaran bil (thanks again bro!).. so kiteorang gerak pergi ke The Pearl..saje nak gi minum coffee and layankan member aku yang nak balik for good tue tangkap2 gambar..hehe..kalo korang nak tau, The Pearl ni project yang grand kat Qatar ni, die buat ala2 Palm Island kat Dubai's like a centre la,sume ade, housing,shopping mall,marina,mosque..memang grand and mahal gile..yerla kalo apartment biase pun almost 1 Million plus,murahker?.The Pearl ni blum fully complete development die,ade certain part je open for visitor,ade la sket2 boutique yang mahal2 gilo, and shoes boutique JIMMY CHOO pun ade..aku kagum sebab die orang Malaysia..hahha..lagipun kiteorang mai sini pun niat tadi nak minum coffee je kan?xde makne shopping2 sini,mampuih terbang duit..

so we sit down at this one coffee house called COLOMBIANO COFFEE HOUSE, betul2 tepi marina sambil tengok bot2 mewah parking,heheh..and awek2 arab..wohoo...pastu kiteorang sume order coffee, nak tau kiteorang order ape? kiteorang order PICO,ni coffee ke?ni ice blended mocha, tapi ade la die letak2 ape ntah lagi..tapi boleh tahan la cume manis sket.

pas dah minum, borak, sap kok,borak,minum,minum..kiteorang pun nak beransur la, pas dah puas bergambar semue ceruk,pose bagai ah..sometimes best borak2 lepak minum coffee ni,buat aku rindu kat Muar, release tension sket dari dok terperap dalam bilik je kan...heee..tapi bleh plak sorang member aku ni, semangat betul nak bergambar kat showroom kete Ferrari and Maserati plak.padahal tadi kate nak balik dah...layankan.~
bile la nak beli kete ni plak eh..terbaik if dapat drive kat Muar ni.!
aku rase aku dapat beli ni je la bawak balik Malaysia..hahaha
aku rase aku dapat beli ni je la bawak balik Malaysia..hahaha
then dah amek snap2 photo ngan member2 aku kat kete2 sport tu,baru la kiteorang balik, yerla dah lewat kot..heheh..ape2 pun, The Pearl nie lagi 5 years memang happening la tempat ni,cume pepaham jerla middle east country, berhabuk pasir sentiase..tue yang tak syiok tu..
by the way, I just wanna wish to my ofismate Anip nie, may you succes it whatever you do in the future, hope we can meet each other again in other project,who knows kan? ,and selamat pengantin baru in advance, moga kekal ke anak cucu, Insya-Allah wedding hang nanti aku mai!
by the way, I just wanna wish to my ofismate Anip nie, may you succes it whatever you do in the future, hope we can meet each other again in other project,who knows kan? ,and selamat pengantin baru in advance, moga kekal ke anak cucu, Insya-Allah wedding hang nanti aku mai!
jangan lupekan kiteorang kat sini bro!
and senyum2 selalu..anip tapah!
and senyum2 selalu..anip tapah!
deria keenam
baru lepas japs before masak dinner,
and then my one and only sister ym me..
adik: sihat?
adik: buat ape?
me: baru pas shower..
me: ko sihat?
adik: sihat..
me: bagusla, abang nak masak ni..
adik: k2..boring la bang..
me: apsal?tdo la..
adik: hurm...ade blog?
me: apsal ko tanye? ( eh eh...nape adik aku ni,cam tetau je aku baru berjinak2 lam bende nie..)
adik: ade blog tak?
me: ko rase layak ke aku ade blog?
adik: eleh, tau ade..ade kan?
me: hahahha..ade2,tapi baru je jebakkan diri lam bendealah ni..
adik: yeah..tau ade..u can never lie to my face bro..
hahhaah..power btul la adik aku nie..dang!!malu2 adik aku bace blog aku..
p/s :- ko memang ade sixth sense la dik...!!
ok I wanna cook dinner, later..
leteran by,
and then my one and only sister ym me..
adik: sihat?
adik: buat ape?
me: baru pas shower..
me: ko sihat?
adik: sihat..
me: bagusla, abang nak masak ni..
adik: k2..boring la bang..
me: apsal?tdo la..
adik: hurm...ade blog?
me: apsal ko tanye? ( eh eh...nape adik aku ni,cam tetau je aku baru berjinak2 lam bende nie..)
adik: ade blog tak?
me: ko rase layak ke aku ade blog?
adik: eleh, tau ade..ade kan?
me: hahahha..ade2,tapi baru je jebakkan diri lam bendealah ni..
adik: yeah..tau ade..u can never lie to my face bro..
hahhaah..power btul la adik aku nie..dang!!malu2 adik aku bace blog aku..
p/s :- ko memang ade sixth sense la dik...!!
ok I wanna cook dinner, later..
leteran by,
mata katup.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
sepurnama sudah
aku tinggalkan tanah air ter-chenta
ahh.aku rindukan semua.
mak,ayah,adik dan chenta hati.
sahabat-sahabat muar-ian.
moga semuanya sihat walafiat.
salam untuk semua.
leteran by,
aku tinggalkan tanah air ter-chenta
ahh.aku rindukan semua.
mak,ayah,adik dan chenta hati.
sahabat-sahabat muar-ian.
moga semuanya sihat walafiat.
salam untuk semua.
leteran by,
kiss me thru the phone.
lagu ni aku terjebak dari sorang mamat berhonda jazz biru.
the lyric catch my attention.
Kiss Me Thru The Phone lyrics
Songwriters: Sceffer, J; Way, Deandre;Soulja Boy Tell 'Em
Baby you know that I miss you, I wanna get with you tonight
But I cannot baby girl and that's the issue
Girl you know I miss you, I just wanna kiss you
But I can't right now so baby kiss me thru the phone, I'll see you later on
Kiss me thru the phone, see you when I get home
Baby I know that you like me, you my future wifey
Soulja Boy Tell 'Em, yeah
You can be my Bonnie, I can be your Clyde
You could be my wife, text me, call me
I need you in my life, yeah all day everyday I need ya
And every time I see ya my feelings get deeper
I miss ya, I miss ya, I really wanna kiss you but I can't
Six, seven, eight, triple nine, eight, two, one, two
Baby you know that I miss you, I wanna get with you tonight
But I cannot baby girl and that's the issue
Girl you know I miss you, I just wanna kiss you
But I can't right now so baby kiss me thru the phone, I'll see you later on
Kiss me thru the phone, see you when I get home
Baby I been thinking lately so much about you
Everything about you, I like it, I love it
Kissing you in public, thinking nothing of it
Roses by the dozen, talking on the phone
Baby you so sexy, your voice is so lovely
I love your complexion, I miss ya, I miss ya, I miss ya
I really wanna kiss you but I can't
Six, seven, eight, triple nine, eight, two, one, two
Baby you know that I miss you, I wanna get with you tonight
But I cannot baby girl and that's the issue
Girl you know I miss you, I just wanna kiss you
But I can't right now so baby kiss me thru the phone, I'll see you later on
Kiss me thru the phone, see you when I get home
She call my phone like
Da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da
We on the phone like
Da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da
We taking pics like
Da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da
She dial my number like
Da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da
Six, seven, eight, triple, nine, eight, two, one, two
Baby you know that I miss you, I wanna get with you tonight
But I cannot baby girl and that's the issue
Girl you know I miss you, I just wanna kiss you
But I can't right now so baby kiss me thru the phone, I'll see you later on
Kiss me thru the phone, see you when I get home
yeah I kiss somebody thru the phone last nite.
miss you Chenta Hati..
leteran by,
the lyric catch my attention.
Kiss Me Thru The Phone lyrics
Songwriters: Sceffer, J; Way, Deandre;Soulja Boy Tell 'Em
Baby you know that I miss you, I wanna get with you tonight
But I cannot baby girl and that's the issue
Girl you know I miss you, I just wanna kiss you
But I can't right now so baby kiss me thru the phone, I'll see you later on
Kiss me thru the phone, see you when I get home
Baby I know that you like me, you my future wifey
Soulja Boy Tell 'Em, yeah
You can be my Bonnie, I can be your Clyde
You could be my wife, text me, call me
I need you in my life, yeah all day everyday I need ya
And every time I see ya my feelings get deeper
I miss ya, I miss ya, I really wanna kiss you but I can't
Six, seven, eight, triple nine, eight, two, one, two
Baby you know that I miss you, I wanna get with you tonight
But I cannot baby girl and that's the issue
Girl you know I miss you, I just wanna kiss you
But I can't right now so baby kiss me thru the phone, I'll see you later on
Kiss me thru the phone, see you when I get home
Baby I been thinking lately so much about you
Everything about you, I like it, I love it
Kissing you in public, thinking nothing of it
Roses by the dozen, talking on the phone
Baby you so sexy, your voice is so lovely
I love your complexion, I miss ya, I miss ya, I miss ya
I really wanna kiss you but I can't
Six, seven, eight, triple nine, eight, two, one, two
Baby you know that I miss you, I wanna get with you tonight
But I cannot baby girl and that's the issue
Girl you know I miss you, I just wanna kiss you
But I can't right now so baby kiss me thru the phone, I'll see you later on
Kiss me thru the phone, see you when I get home
She call my phone like
Da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da
We on the phone like
Da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da
We taking pics like
Da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da
She dial my number like
Da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da
Six, seven, eight, triple, nine, eight, two, one, two
Baby you know that I miss you, I wanna get with you tonight
But I cannot baby girl and that's the issue
Girl you know I miss you, I just wanna kiss you
But I can't right now so baby kiss me thru the phone, I'll see you later on
Kiss me thru the phone, see you when I get home
yeah I kiss somebody thru the phone last nite.
miss you Chenta Hati..
leteran by,
hati dan akal tak dapat dipisah.
after dinner nasi putih, kobis goreng and ayam goreng, duk lepak2 depan lappy ni surf2 la tenet.
and then suddenly...somebody ym was my close cuzen..I called her akak.
akak: acal
me: ye saye..
akak: busy ke?
me: nope, so what's up?
akak: susahkan kalau..
me: kalau ape?
akak: kalau kepale pikir lain, hati nak lain..
me: yups,memang susah..y akak?
akak: tak de la, aku teringat ex aku..tapi aku nak lupekan die takleh..
masalah cinta always hurt women's heart much than man..(biasenye la kan? am i right?)..yer la, mostly people will say, "once a girl really2 love you, she will not let you go easily",apsal aku crita criti cinta plak nie weh??
berbalik kepada topik kita diatas,eceh..sifat hati itu memang sentiasa berbalik2, so because of that Allah anugerahkan kite akal.aku rase kalo takde akal, lagi binasa kite, and yes, it make us human lebih special dari makhluk2 yang lain.
hati begitu mudah dipengaruhi nafsu, sebab tu let say kite gie shopping kan, the we bump onto something yang kite minat,den macam nak beli, kalo ikut nafsu memang beli kan?yerla sebab dah minat, tapi kat situ main peranan nye akal, akal akan berfikir whether worth it to buy or not?ape consequences if we buy that stuff? see??
same gak ngan situasi cuzen aku tu..fist thing first is the mind set.yes, I know memang bukan mudah untuk lupakan seseorang, but we have to get over it, kene kuatkan hati, and let your mind decide what ever things/wish appeared in your heart. Ingat hati kene seiring ngan akal. hati baik, akal pun baik.(akak i know you will read it)
so,as a conclusion,GET OVER IT! - "the past is history,the future is mystery, today is a gift,that's why it's call PRESENT ! ". so make full use of today, because we never know we can see tomorrow or not. hari esok itu adalah ghaib.
ok guys, it's just my opinion, feel free to drop any comment, oh ya, btw, dok cerita2 hati ni, I bump on this page, pasal2 hati..
ok la, nak tdo,sok keje..bye !
p/s : Me also a person that always make mistakes, so same2 la kite ingatkan ok?
leteran by:
and then suddenly...somebody ym was my close cuzen..I called her akak.
akak: acal
me: ye saye..
akak: busy ke?
me: nope, so what's up?
akak: susahkan kalau..
me: kalau ape?
akak: kalau kepale pikir lain, hati nak lain..
me: yups,memang susah..y akak?
akak: tak de la, aku teringat ex aku..tapi aku nak lupekan die takleh..
masalah cinta always hurt women's heart much than man..(biasenye la kan? am i right?)..yer la, mostly people will say, "once a girl really2 love you, she will not let you go easily",apsal aku crita criti cinta plak nie weh??
berbalik kepada topik kita diatas,eceh..sifat hati itu memang sentiasa berbalik2, so because of that Allah anugerahkan kite akal.aku rase kalo takde akal, lagi binasa kite, and yes, it make us human lebih special dari makhluk2 yang lain.
hati begitu mudah dipengaruhi nafsu, sebab tu let say kite gie shopping kan, the we bump onto something yang kite minat,den macam nak beli, kalo ikut nafsu memang beli kan?yerla sebab dah minat, tapi kat situ main peranan nye akal, akal akan berfikir whether worth it to buy or not?ape consequences if we buy that stuff? see??
same gak ngan situasi cuzen aku tu..fist thing first is the mind set.yes, I know memang bukan mudah untuk lupakan seseorang, but we have to get over it, kene kuatkan hati, and let your mind decide what ever things/wish appeared in your heart. Ingat hati kene seiring ngan akal. hati baik, akal pun baik.(akak i know you will read it)
so,as a conclusion,GET OVER IT! - "the past is history,the future is mystery, today is a gift,that's why it's call PRESENT ! ". so make full use of today, because we never know we can see tomorrow or not. hari esok itu adalah ghaib.
ok guys, it's just my opinion, feel free to drop any comment, oh ya, btw, dok cerita2 hati ni, I bump on this page, pasal2 hati..
ok la, nak tdo,sok keje..bye !
p/s : Me also a person that always make mistakes, so same2 la kite ingatkan ok?
leteran by:
Monday, July 20, 2009
mencari kertas yang penting.
ahhh...hari ni aku kene cari documents yang bakal membawa jutaan ringgit, ceh macam penting sangat je kan?(eh eh..memang penting pun..hhuuhuh..)..well how do I start then?
pagi2 lagi,ceahh..takde la pagi sangat,dalam kul 9 pagi kot ofismate aku gegar rumah aku..kejut suh mandi nak cari file2 jutaan ringgit tue. so aku wash up and minum air epal sket untuk tenaga,then turun la bawah rumah aku.stor file tu bawah rumah je,sempoi kan?
buka sume bilik stor, ofismate aku cari2 file account department, yerla, ko nak cari invoice2 materials kan, last resort is from finance dept la bile aku masuk je stor file tu, nganga wei,..diorang tak susun betul2 all the file boxes, campak gitu je..adoi..kalo campak2 camni, suh budak skola pun je co besar, dah satu keje kene susun elok2 dulu, yerla sume labelling boxes tu ko tak nampak dah...ape kess??
so pas dah susun2 tu, aku cari la ngan member aku tu file2/documents2 berkenaan yang die nak.yerla buat bende2 camni sekali sekala best la kan, umah kat atas, keje kat bawah,busan2 naik rumah..HO YEAH!!! pastu ade lagi sorang plak member/ofismate datang, die nie Engineer, so die dok explain la ape materials2 yang kiteorang tak paham, instead of mencari je documents, at least dapat gak ilmu2 pasal bende2 kat site tu.. hehhe..
eh, ok la, nanti aku sambung lagi, aku nak masak weh..lapar la plak?
any suggestion lauk ape nak dimasak?
bye !
leteran by,
pagi2 lagi,ceahh..takde la pagi sangat,dalam kul 9 pagi kot ofismate aku gegar rumah aku..kejut suh mandi nak cari file2 jutaan ringgit tue. so aku wash up and minum air epal sket untuk tenaga,then turun la bawah rumah aku.stor file tu bawah rumah je,sempoi kan?
buka sume bilik stor, ofismate aku cari2 file account department, yerla, ko nak cari invoice2 materials kan, last resort is from finance dept la bile aku masuk je stor file tu, nganga wei,..diorang tak susun betul2 all the file boxes, campak gitu je..adoi..kalo campak2 camni, suh budak skola pun je co besar, dah satu keje kene susun elok2 dulu, yerla sume labelling boxes tu ko tak nampak dah...ape kess??
so pas dah susun2 tu, aku cari la ngan member aku tu file2/documents2 berkenaan yang die nak.yerla buat bende2 camni sekali sekala best la kan, umah kat atas, keje kat bawah,busan2 naik rumah..HO YEAH!!! pastu ade lagi sorang plak member/ofismate datang, die nie Engineer, so die dok explain la ape materials2 yang kiteorang tak paham, instead of mencari je documents, at least dapat gak ilmu2 pasal bende2 kat site tu.. hehhe..
eh, ok la, nanti aku sambung lagi, aku nak masak weh..lapar la plak?
any suggestion lauk ape nak dimasak?
bye !
leteran by,
can't sleep again..
It's 2 a.m. and I still can't sleep..hurm. Maybe my body was too tired..sebab tadi ade futsal kan, friendly match with sime darby guys. So sebab lame dah tak turun men futsal, yerla summer kat tanah arab ni panas adoiyai..malam pun jalan kaki 2 3 minit peluh sakan..hehehe..tapi malam tadi turun main cuaca ok, ade angin takdela cam dalam oven panas nye( eceh cam penah rase dok lam oven lak kan?)..
Ahh,cammane nak tdo ni, lagi 1 and half hour dah nak subuh.iye..subuh kul 3.30 a.m, matahari kul 5 dah memancar, terang benderang, kire kalo gie keje tuh dah macam kul 10 a.m waktu Malaysia,tapi die punye panas..pepandai la tahan..
Ok la, I'll force myself to shleep..huu..tomorrow kene kerja..kalo tak kene pancung ngan boss..huhu..salam guys..
leteran by,
Ahh,cammane nak tdo ni, lagi 1 and half hour dah nak subuh.iye..subuh kul 3.30 a.m, matahari kul 5 dah memancar, terang benderang, kire kalo gie keje tuh dah macam kul 10 a.m waktu Malaysia,tapi die punye panas..pepandai la tahan..
Ok la, I'll force myself to shleep..huu..tomorrow kene kerja..kalo tak kene pancung ngan boss..huhu..salam guys..
leteran by,
Sunday, July 19, 2009
the bankers
Today wake up as usual..damn!! Lewat (it's 7.30 a.m), so menggelabah gelabah wash up n bersiap. Before that call dulu ofismate:
me: bro,dah bangun ke?
bro X: dah bro,ngah bersiap,ko dah bangun?
me: baru pas mandi..(padahal baru nak gi mandi).
bro X: ok, takpe gua tunggu..nak gi bank kan.takpe lewat sket.
..aahah, luckily I have to go to the bank to collect some documents with my office mate..dengan sepantas kelajuan cahaya(what the fish?!)..bersiap2..turun buat2 muke segar..Aduh panas gile cuaca kat Tanah Arab off I went to the bank..
Location : Ham Sap Bank of Commerce (HSBC)
me: excuse me miss,I would like to collect some documents (guarantee) in favor of my company(XXX company)..
miss arab 1: which company sir?
me: XXX company,is the documents ready?
miss arab 1 : we didn't receive anything from your side sir...i think its not ready.
me: (hahaha..die dah buat perangai dah bank nie..byak kali kot bile deal ngan bank macam ni..).. We send to you the advise letter last week.Instead we faxed to you with the authorized signatory.
miss arab 1: let me check first... suddenly ade one Indian man kat belakang shout kat minah arab tu..
indian man : from XXX company..yeah2..I received your fax last kat minah arab the documents)..
see..they all suke simpan documents...benciiiiiii!!!!
It's like every time I deal with bankers cam gini gaya last few weeks nak collect cheque book pun camni..suka suki cakap.."oh sorry sir,your name is not in our system, you are not authorized to collect the cheque book"...dem..last month boleh je collect,ni takleh plak..aduiyai!!!..
flip flop btul!!nasib baik bende documents tadi ble ready..sebab aku amat menyampah pergi ke bank 2 3 kali untuk bende yang same..
so settle semuenye...kan senang.! to go..tonite ade futsal..lame dah tak men futsal..eventhough agak panas kat sini.(even malam pun panas)..till here guys!
leteran by:
me: bro,dah bangun ke?
bro X: dah bro,ngah bersiap,ko dah bangun?
me: baru pas mandi..(padahal baru nak gi mandi).
bro X: ok, takpe gua tunggu..nak gi bank kan.takpe lewat sket.
..aahah, luckily I have to go to the bank to collect some documents with my office mate..dengan sepantas kelajuan cahaya(what the fish?!)..bersiap2..turun buat2 muke segar..Aduh panas gile cuaca kat Tanah Arab off I went to the bank..
Location : Ham Sap Bank of Commerce (HSBC)
me: excuse me miss,I would like to collect some documents (guarantee) in favor of my company(XXX company)..
miss arab 1: which company sir?
me: XXX company,is the documents ready?
miss arab 1 : we didn't receive anything from your side sir...i think its not ready.
me: (hahaha..die dah buat perangai dah bank nie..byak kali kot bile deal ngan bank macam ni..).. We send to you the advise letter last week.Instead we faxed to you with the authorized signatory.
miss arab 1: let me check first... suddenly ade one Indian man kat belakang shout kat minah arab tu..
indian man : from XXX company..yeah2..I received your fax last kat minah arab the documents)..
see..they all suke simpan documents...benciiiiiii!!!!
It's like every time I deal with bankers cam gini gaya last few weeks nak collect cheque book pun camni..suka suki cakap.."oh sorry sir,your name is not in our system, you are not authorized to collect the cheque book"...dem..last month boleh je collect,ni takleh plak..aduiyai!!!..
flip flop btul!!nasib baik bende documents tadi ble ready..sebab aku amat menyampah pergi ke bank 2 3 kali untuk bende yang same..
so settle semuenye...kan senang.! to go..tonite ade futsal..lame dah tak men futsal..eventhough agak panas kat sini.(even malam pun panas)..till here guys!
leteran by:
Saturday, July 18, 2009
hello blogger's world.I know it's pretty lame to have a blog nowadays,because everybody has it, am I right?
just put this way, - this blog is another part/side (whatever) of me telling you what is mingling or wandering in my mind.
Till here for now.
bye :)
just put this way, - this blog is another part/side (whatever) of me telling you what is mingling or wandering in my mind.
Till here for now.
bye :)
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